Not Your Normal Resolutions

Happy New Year Y’all! It’s finally 2014! And I have the flu, which is lame. I haven’t done anything but lay around the house for the past few days. I don’t feel bad all the time, but I also don’t want to pass this on to anyone else so I can’t really go out and do things. I’ve watched quite a few movies and A LOT of HGTV. I mean, who doesn’t love House Hunters?

Anyway, 2014 is bringing so many changes that I can hardly keep track. At the end of May I will be graduating (AHHH!) from Transylvania University with a BA in Biology with a minor in Environmental Studies. On June 5th I will be boarding a flight to London, England and then spend 30 days traveling all over Europe! Then as soon as I get back in the states (July 4th!) I start my Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life University in Marietta, GA! It’s going to be a crazy couple of months but I’m really excited!

So with all that in mind I sat down to work out my new year resolutions. A couple of days ago I read an article (possibly from the Huffington Post) about how we set ourselves up for failure by making resolutions. They said we should instead set a theme for our year. I really like, no I LOVE that idea. I love the idea so much that I have set three themes for the year 2014: Love, Respect, and Happiness.

Love: This has nothing to do with finding the love of my life (who has time for that, really?). It’s about spreading love. There is hardly enough love in our world. We need to tell each other that we love each other more often. It’s really easy to do. Just pick up the phone and call or text or e-mail. Just do it. We also don’t love ourselves enough. That’s harder. It’s easy to tell someone else you love them but telling yourself, ugh! So I’m vowing to work on loving myself, loving other people, and loving my life!

Respect: I consider myself a respectful person, but it’s more than just respecting your friends. First off, you HAVE to respect yourself. If you don’t, no one else will. You have to treat your body right and listen to it. It’s the only one you have. Being a respectful and nice person is never a bad thing. You have to give it to get it and that’s what I am going for!

Happiness: 2013 was pretty unspectacular in this category. School was the hardest it has ever been and people were so overwhelming at times that I spent a lot of time alone. There was just a lot of negativity surrounding 2013 and it sucked. I’m not saying I wasn’t happy. I have so many great people and opportunities in my life and I am thankful for each and every one of them. But 2014 is going to be the year to spread happiness. Do nice things for people. Pay it forward. Enjoy the little things. After all the best way to be happy is to make other people happy. I’m also a firm believer that if I can accomplish the first two then this will happen by default.

So, there you have it. My themes for the new year. I’m really excited and happy with them. What are your resolutions or promises or themes for 2014? Let me know!


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